

Work on Next Year’s Game Plan

Celebrate your accomplishments and recognize those individuals who made it possible.

Sometimes, we just move on to the next task without taking the time to reflect on the success we’ve had. If you spend a little more time thanking those who help you succeed, you will generate more positive support for future projects.

Decide what changes you want to make.

“If you change your habits, you can change your life.” Have you heard that phrase before? If you are frustrated about something in your life or at work, when the pain is great enough, you will know it’s time to make a change.

Clarify what you want to accomplish with each goal

If you don’t have sufficient reason to change, you won’t be motivated to change. Determine whether you are a “Work Toward” or “Move Away From” type of goal setter. Some people work toward a goal to create a better future. Others set goals to avoid problems. Once you identify your goal-setting style, you can plan from the proper perspective.

Clarify your goals and make them measurable.

S.M.A.R.T. goals are:

Specific – Define precisely the objective or outcome you want

Measurable – Define objectively how you will know when you’ve attained the goal

Action-oriented – Use action verbs to describe the steps required

Realistic – Confirm your belief that the goal is, indeed, possible

Timely – Set a target date for reaching your goal.

Break large goals into reasonable chunks by celebrating mini-milestones.

You need to feel like you’re moving forward; this approach will help.

Establish which goals are most important to the big picture.

Prioritizing your goals will help you identify what you are going to work on right now, next week and next month. You will probably work on many goals simultaneously but by prioritizing them, you’ll know what requires the most attention or has the biggest urgency.

Determine the resources you need to complete each goal.

Outline a budget and list what tools will be required to accomplish each goal. Will you need consulting? Do you need to purchase a website? What else?

Post your goals in a visible location.

Writing down your goals is the first step in showing positive commitment, and keeping them close demonstrates you are willing to focus on accomplishing them.

Identify obstacles you may encounter along the way and develop a contingency plan before they cause delays or frustrations.

Then brainstorm with your support team about how to avoid or overcome those obstacles when or if they appear.

Establish a reward system.

You need reinforcement for achieving each goal and reaching milestones in your endeavors. Make each one fun and worthwhile.

Successful business leaders develop goals to achieve their vision.

Their commitment to their goals, and thus to their vision, is made obvious both by their actions and their repeated communication of what must be done – and why.


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