

The Benefits of Google Adwords

If you’re looking for help with AdWords, we can set up and manage your campaigns for you. Businesses could get their ad in front of prospective customers when they were making a buying decision. Google AdWords search ads allow you to get your business in front of your prospective customers exactly when they need your product or service. It’s hard to beat that kind of timing with any other kind of advertising.

Google AdWords has done most of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to tracking and reporting on your return on investment (ROI).

Sure, you’ll likely need help from a web developer, but it’s not overly complicated. Our team of Google specialist can complete can set it up steps for you and then you’ll be able to track sales, phone calls, and even offline sales that were closed via phone calls or in-person. Plus, you’ll be able to run reports to see exactly which keywords and ads are driving sales so you can allocate your budget to what’s working and maximize your ROI.

It will assist with your SEO strategy. With search engine optimization (SEO), it can take months to even years to get your business to rank high on the first page of Google. But once your website is ranking high, then you don’t pay for all the clicks. Google AdWords gives you the ability to test different keywords quickly to see if they drive sales for your business. Yes, it will cost money to test the keywords because you’ll be paying for clicks. However, you’ll save money in the long run because you’ll ensure you’re investing your SEO budget on keywords that will actually generate sales when your website is ranking.

This one is not so obvious, but Google AdWords will help you improve your website for two reasons:

1. When you’re investing money into ads, then you’re going to be more critical of your website. It’s easy to ignore your website when the traffic is free, but as soon as you start paying for traffic, then that’ll light a fire under you to finally upgrade your website.

2. Google AdWords gives you consistent traffic to split test your webpage copy and layout to find the best combinations. Once you see what works best from your ad tests, then you can roll that out across your entire website to improve overall website conversion rates.

3. Last but not least, Google AdWords search ads will help improve all your other advertising. Google AdWords gives you consistent traffic to improve your website and also test different offers until you find the one that generates the most sales.Second, Google AdWords forces you to understand your numbers. Once your ads are live, you’ll see how much it costs to generate a visitor to your website. You’ll also see how many of those visitors convert to leads and sales. And ultimately, you’ll be able to compare your cost per sale versus your lifetime value per sale.

To be successful with Google AdWords you have to know exactly how much you can afford to pay per click for all of your keywords. That’s what determines how much you can bid.

By going through the exercise of calculating your customer lifetime value and defining how much you can afford to pay for a visitor to your website, you’ll be able to make better decisions about all of your other advertising.

Want Help with Google AdWords?

Contact Vortex Multimedia our team of Google specialists waiting to GENERATE YOUR FUTURE.

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